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ABC Solar Incorporated
24454 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA 90505


With 23 years of experience, ABC Solar is ready to assist you. We welcome both new and NON-ABC Solar customers. If you have an existing ABC Solar installation, please call us for immediate attention.

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Existing ABC Solar customers can reach our service team directly at (310-373-3169).

The ABC Solar AI FAQ

ABC Solar Launches Groundbreaking AI-Enhanced Solar FAQ


ABC Solar Incorporated is thrilled to announce the launch of the revolutionary ABC Solar AI FAQ, marking a pivotal moment in the intersection of solar energy and artificial intelligence.

Founded in 2000 and based in Torrance, CA, ABC Solar has consistently stood at the forefront of solar technology advancements. Taking a leap into the AI arena, Bradley Bartz, founder of ABC Solar, has now successfully integrated AI into the company's educational offerings, unlocking a new dimension of information accessibility and knowledge dissemination.

The newly unveiled ABC Solar AI FAQ is not just a repository of questions and answers. It showcases the seamless integration of Bradley Bartz's AI access code with the power of ChatGPT. Users and solar enthusiasts are now privy to detailed insights, with MBA AI Prompts allowing for dynamic, in-depth answers akin to university-level content.

For instance, one of the MBA AI Prompts effectively translates the vast content of the ABC Solar FAQ into a structured lesson plan, suitable for university students. This plan, which covers the topic of "Centralized Inverters vs. Microinverters," exemplifies the level of detail and organization AI can achieve when set to the task. The plan incorporates lectures, discussions, practical exercises, and assessments, ensuring a holistic educational experience.

Bartz shared his vision, stating, "The ABC Solar AI FAQ is just the beginning. We are on the cusp of the AI revolution, and ABC Solar is fully committed to harnessing this transformative technology to empower our users, our community, and the world at large."

About ABC Solar Incorporated:

Located at 24454 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA 90505, ABC Solar Incorporated has been a beacon of trust and innovation in the solar industry for over two decades. With a relentless commitment to quality and education, the company continues to pave the way for a greener, more informed world.

For more information, or to experience the ABC Solar AI FAQ firsthand, visit Media inquiries can be directed to or by calling 1-310-373-3169.

Countdown to Total Eclipse

Carbondale, Illionois
Apr 8, 2024 13:59:16 CDT

Event (ΔT=69.1s)DateTime (CDT)AltitudeAzimuthPositionVelocity
Start of partial eclipse (C1) : 2024/04/08 12:43:03.9+59.7° 172.5° 229° 04.1
Start of total eclipse (C2) : 2024/04/08 13:59:19.8 +56.9° 208.5° 050° 11.1 -0.6s
Maximum eclipse (MAX) : 2024/04/08 14:01:24.2+56.7° 209.4° 320° 02.0
End of total eclipse (C3) : 2024/04/08 14:03:28.3 +56.5° 210.2° 230° 05.1 -0.2s
End of partial eclipse (C4) : 2024/04/08 15:18:13.9 +46.3° 235.4° 051° 11.7

Upcoming Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024


The eclipse will be visible across North America, with a path of totality passing through several U.S. states and parts of Mexico and Canada.


The total duration of the eclipse at maximum will be around 4 minutes and 9 seconds. The totality will be longer or shorter depending on your exact location.

Location Specifics

Based on the coordinates provided (Latitude: 37° 42' 12.70" N, Longitude: 89° 12' 19.42" W), the eclipse will be viewable in places like Carbondale, Illinois, which lies very close to these coordinates.

Umbral Depth and Path Width

The umbral depth will be 99.08% (92.0 km) with an umbral depth of 849 m (2786 ft). The path width will be 185.6 km (115.3 mi), meaning this is the maximum width of the path of totality.


Obscuration refers to the fraction of the sun’s area covered by the moon. For this eclipse, it's listed as 100%, which means the sun will be entirely covered by the moon at the peak of the eclipse.

Magnitude at Maximum

The magnitude at maximum is listed as 1.02699. Magnitude refers to the fraction of the sun’s diameter covered by the moon. A value over 1 means a total eclipse.

Moon/Sun Size Ratio

This ratio is listed as 1.05448, indicating that the apparent size of the moon is slightly larger than the sun, enabling a total eclipse.

Umbral Velocity

The umbral velocity is given as 0.839 km/s (or 1876 mph). This is the speed at which the shadow of the moon (the umbra) will be moving across the Earth's surface.

Safety Note

To view the eclipse safely, always use certified solar viewing glasses. Regular sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for viewing a solar eclipse.

About Us

ABC Solar Incorporated

Since 2000, ABC Solar has been skillfully designing and installing solar electric grid-tie systems. We deploy our systems utilizing the finest solar and inverter technology available. Every roof and home demands meticulous attention to detail to maximize solar power output and potential. We can source a diverse range of solar panels, inverters, and racking systems. Our commitment lies in maintaining high quality and selecting the ideal system for each project.

ABC Solar Incorporated
24454 Hawthorne Blvd
Torrance, CA 90505
P: 1 310 373 3169

Established in 2000 and incorporated in 2001
Founder & President: Bradley L. Bartz

California Licensed Contractor
#914346 B-General & C-46 Solar

Early Adopter and Current References Available

Introducing the Exciting 16th Edition

Solar Bible 2023

The Solar Bible 2023: Illuminating the Path

by ABC Solar Founder, Bradley L. Bartz

Dear Reader,

As the Founder of ABC Solar, I am deeply grateful to our clients and stakeholders for their unwavering support and trust in us. Your commitment to sustainable living has been the driving force behind our continuous pursuit of innovation and excellence. With heartfelt thanks, I proudly present Solar Bible 2023: Illuminating the Path.

In this edition, we embark on a captivating journey through the world of solar energy. We begin by welcoming you to the ABC Solar family and exploring the intricacies of designing a solar system tailored to your needs. Along the way, we address frequently asked questions, demystifying common concerns and misconceptions about solar power.

Delving deeper, you will discover the marvels of solar panels, inverters, and advanced storage systems, understanding the physics behind harnessing the sun's energy. Our expertise in installation methods ensures seamless integration of solar power into various types of properties, from commercial buildings to residential homes.

Throughout this guide, we examine the policies, market trends, and progressive legislation that shape the future of solar energy. By showcasing unique designs and innovative solar projects, we aim to inspire you to dream big and embrace a more sustainable way of life.

Our journey doesn't end there. We also dive into the exciting world of solar cooking, fire prevention systems, and eco-friendly solutions for pools and hot tubs. We celebrate our media recognition and delve into the synergy between solar power and heat pump technology.

In Section XIV, "Heat Pumps Hallelujah!? Solar and Heat Pumps Too!", we explore the world of heat pump technology and its synergistic relationship with solar power. Heat pumps, by transferring heat from one place to another, provide both heating and cooling solutions for homes and businesses. Harnessing renewable solar energy, these systems can offer significant energy savings and reduce carbon emissions. This section covers the types, applications, and integration of heat pumps with solar power systems, showcasing case studies and real-world examples that inspire sustainable energy solutions.

The ABC Solar Installation Team Checklist is a comprehensive guide that ensures a thorough site assessment and helps the team design a solar system tailored to each property. By examining roof integrity, distance verification, wire sizing, and various other factors, the team can create a system that is efficient, cost-effective, and safe for all stakeholders.

By following this comprehensive checklist, the ABC Solar Installation Team can design and install a solar system that meets the unique needs of each property while maximizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

ABC Solar is a company that takes solar energy seriously. We are dedicated to designing and installing high-quality solar electric grid-tie systems that meet the unique needs of each property. However, that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun along the way. At ABC Solar, we believe that laughter is the best medicine, and we're not afraid to make a few jokes with a scientific twist. So, put on your thinking caps, grab a cup of coffee, and get ready for some light-hearted humor that's sure to brighten up your day.

  • Why did the solar panel go to jail? It conducted too much current.
  • Why do photons never misbehave? They always follow the law of reflection.
  • Why did the photon check into a hotel? Because it needed a place to stay during its light-year-
  • long journey.
  • Why did the physicist install solar panels on his roof? To reduce his energy potential.
  • Why was the solar-powered car always tired? Because it worked all day and had no light to recharge at night.
  • How do solar panels communicate with each other? They use a special sun-protocol.
  • Why did the solar panel start sweating? It was working under too much thermal stress.
  • Why did the photon cross the road? To get to the other side of the spectrum.
  • Why don't physicists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, including solar cells.
  • What do solar cells say to each other when they're excited? "Let's make some current!"

    In closing, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your trust and support in ABC Solar. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and delivering solar solutions that exceed your expectations. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please don't hesitate to call us. We answer our phones, and we're always here to help. Once again, thank you for choosing ABC Solar, and we look forward to illuminating your path towards a brighter, more sustainable future.

    Warm regards,

    Bradley L. Bartz
    Founder & President, ABC Solar
    Phone: 1-310-373-3169

    Our product lineup includes:


    • Sol-Ark
    • SMA America
    • Enphase Micro Inverters

    Solar panels:

    • Silfab
    • Panasonic
    • Mission
    • Q-Cell
    • Solaria

    Battery Systems:

    • Sol-Ark
    • Fortress Power
    • Simpliphi
    • Custom

    Mounting systems:

    • Unirac
    • Snaprack
    • Custom

    As a licensed contractor in California (license number 914346), we hold B-General and C46-Solar licenses, ensuring that our work meets the highest industry standards. Our team of skilled professionals is passionate about providing exceptional service and helping our customers harness the power of the sun.

    Get in touch with us today at 1-866-40-SOLAR, 310-373-3169, or email us at to learn more about our solar energy solutions and how we can help you make a sustainable investment for a greener future.

  • Understanding the Differences Between Demand and Consumption

    The differences between demand (kW) and energy consumption (kWh) are essential to comprehend, as this knowledge can empower you to make informed decisions when it comes to reducing your energy costs. Here's a more detailed explanation to help you grasp these concepts better.

    Demand (kW) refers to the peak amount of electricity being consumed by all your appliances and lights at a given moment. In contrast, energy consumption (kWh) is the total amount of electricity used over a specific period, typically measured hourly. To put it simply, demand is the instantaneous power requirement, while consumption is the accumulation of energy used over time.

    Facilities-Related Demand Charges apply throughout the year and are calculated per kilowatt (kW) based on your highest recorded demand during each billing cycle, regardless of the season, day of the week, or time of day. On the other hand, Time-Related Demand Charges apply only during the summer season (June 1 through September 30), when demand is at its peak, and energy costs are at their highest. These charges are assessed during On-Peak and Mid-Peak hours, in addition to Facilities-Related Demand Charges.

    To illustrate the concepts of demand and consumption further, let's consider an example involving air conditioning units:

    Suppose you have five air conditioning units that draw a peak power of 15 kW upon startup and then operate at 11 kW. Here are three different scenarios:

  • If you turn on one air conditioning unit, your peak demand is 15 kW. After one hour of operation, your energy consumption is 11 kWh.
  • If you turn on all five air conditioning units simultaneously, your peak demand is 75 kW (15 kW x 5).
  • If you stagger the startup of the air conditioning units by five minutes each, your peak demand would be one unit at 15 kW and four units at 11 kW, totaling 59 kW.

    Assuming your utility charges $10 per month for each kW of demand, the cost profiles for each scenario would be:

  • 15 kW x $10 = $150 per month (running only one out of five AC units)
  • 75 kW x $10 = $750 per month (running all five AC units and turning them on simultaneously)
  • 59 kW x $10 = $590 per month (running all five AC units with a staggered startup routine)

    In this example, changing the startup behavior of the air conditioning units saves you money without needing to install solar panels. Managing your energy demand and consumption can lead to significant cost savings on your energy bills.

    For a free solar evaluation, send your electric bill to, and our team will help you explore solar energy options that may further reduce your energy costs.

    About Solar Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Technology

    On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light

    ABC Solar would like to take a moment to give a history of photovoltaic technology. Your system is the adoption of Einstein's vision. Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of how light (photons) travel 93 million miles to get in a fistfight with the silicon atom and how the photon "knocks out" the silica electron. The knocked-out silica electron is harnessed to make electricity.

    Solar Panels: From Silica to Solar Cells

    Solar panels start in the ground as pure silica that can be mined. With one method, the silica is treated with various chemicals to become ready to be melted. The melting process will get the silica into a molten state and head towards 1600 degrees Celsius. At this point, a crystal is drawn through the mixture and pulls up. This process starts the crystallization process of the raw silica into the usable solar wafer. The wafer is sized to typically 60mm, and it is on its way to becoming a solar cell.

    A doping material is used to make one side of the silicon wafer positive and the other negative. A hair-thin wire mesh is attached, and leads are placed to allow in-series connection of the cells. Now considered a solar cell, each produces just shy of 0.5 a volt DC. This magical number happens no matter how big the solar cell is. This phenomenon is not yet explainable by this writer, but it's fascinating to think about.

    The Building Blocks of Solar Panels

    The 0.5 volt DC of the solar cell is the building block of functioning solar panels. A 72 solar cell configuration is one of the most popular among the world's solar panel manufacturers. 1/2 volt DC x 72 = 36 volts DC. This is the typical voltage range for a 72 solar cell solar panel.

    The 72 solar cells are connected to each other in series electrically. Lead-free solder and silver wire are used by our preferred manufacturers. The sheet of solar cells is encapsulated to back sheets and framed to safety glass with long-lasting anodized aluminum. A power connection device called a Junction Box is surgically attached to the back of the solar panel and glued into place. Two wires then extend from the Junction Box as positive and negative with quick connectors for ease of installation.

    Inverters: Converting Solar DC to AC Grid-Capable Power

    The SMA Sunny Central 250KW Inverter shown here provides 250,000 Watts AC Maximum Output Power and improved CEC efficiency of up to 96%. The inverter does the magic of changing the solar DC generated electricity to AC grid-capable power. The typical residential inverter will output at 240 volts open-circuit. This is routed in two 120 volt circuits that are then configured to safety disconnect switches and then backfeed to the main panel in 2x 20 amp breakers.

    Quick Solar Facts

    • 1 kW of solar capacity generates approximately 150 kWh per month
    • 1 kW of solar capacity requires about 60 square feet of space
    • 1 kW of solar capacity typically consists of around 3 solar panels
    • There is a 26% federal tax credit for solar installations
    • 7 kW is the average system size for residential solar installations
    • Solar water pumping is an efficient and sustainable solution
    • The grid acts as a virtual battery, storing excess energy for later use
    • Solar tracking systems can increase energy production by 25% to 40%
    • Solar panels usually come with a 25-year power output warranty
    • Solar panel efficiency ranges from 6% to 22%, depending on the technology
    • Local governments cannot prevent you from installing solar panels on your property
  • ABC Solar has experience on
    almost* every type of roof

    1. Composition Shingle
    2. Spanish Tile
    3. Old Spanish Tile
    4. Concrete Tile
    5. Flat Roof
    6. Standing Seam
    7. Stamped Metal
    8. Unique Roof
    9. New Construction

    *If you have a unique roof ABC Solar is your team.

    CPUC Solar Consumer Protection Guide

    A Must Read and Sign as part of the solar process.

    Listen to the Guide!

    ABC Solar SUMMARY: Call the rest, then call the best.

    What Direction is Best


    The Solar Panel Choice

    ABC Solar is committed to providing the highest quality solar panel choices for our customers. We believe that our clients deserve not only the best products but also the best companies to work with. That's why we partner with the top tier companies in the solar industry, including Silfab, Panasonic, Mission, Solaria, and Q-Cells, to offer our customers the most advanced and efficient solar panels available.

    One of the key design features of these top tier companies' solar panels is their Black on Black modules. These sleek and modern panels blend seamlessly into any roof design, making them an attractive and discreet addition to your home or business.

    But it's not just the aesthetics that make these panels stand out. Each of these companies has a strong commitment to quality and sustainability, making them leaders in the industry. They are dedicated to reducing their carbon footprint and promoting a cleaner, more sustainable future.

    At ABC Solar, we believe that our clients should have access to the best products and the most reliable companies. That's why we have carefully selected our partners to provide you with the highest quality solar panels available. We stand behind the products we offer and are committed to helping you find the right solar solution for your unique needs.

    Solar panels are essential components of any solar energy system. Choosing the right solar panel manufacturer is crucial in determining the system's efficiency, reliability, and longevity. This white paper will compare five leading solar panel manufacturers: Silfab Solar, Panasonic Solar, Mission Solar, Solaria, and Q-Cells. We will analyze and compare the technical specifications, features, and benefits of each manufacturer's solar panels to help consumers make an informed decision.

    Silfab Solar:
    Silfab Solar is a leading North American manufacturer of premium quality solar panels. Silfab's panels are made with high-quality monocrystalline silicon, which provides greater efficiency and reliability. Silfab offers a range of solar panels that are black on black, providing a sleek and modern design. Their panels are designed to perform in low-light conditions and extreme weather conditions. Silfab panels come with a 25-year linear power warranty and a 10-year product warranty.

    Panasonic Solar:
    Panasonic Solar is a global leader in solar panel manufacturing. Panasonic panels are designed to deliver high-efficiency power output with exceptional quality and reliability. Panasonic panels utilize heterojunction technology, which combines amorphous and crystalline silicon, resulting in a high-efficiency solar cell. The panels come in black on black, giving a sleek and modern look to any installation. The panels come with a 25-year product warranty and a 25-year performance guarantee.

    Mission Solar:
    Mission Solar is a Texas-based manufacturer of high-performance solar panels. Mission Solar panels are made with high-efficiency monocrystalline cells that provide optimal performance in low-light conditions. The panels are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, making them suitable for a variety of environments. Mission Solar panels come with a 25-year linear power warranty and a 10-year product warranty.

    Solaria is a leading solar panel manufacturer that specializes in high-performance, aesthetically pleasing solar panels. Solaria's panels use patented cell technology that allows for greater efficiency and reliability. Solaria panels are designed to maximize energy output, even in low-light conditions. Their panels come in black on black, providing a sleek and modern design. Solaria panels come with a 25-year product warranty and a 25-year performance guarantee.

    Q-Cells is a global solar panel manufacturer that specializes in high-quality solar panels for residential and commercial use. Q-Cells panels utilize innovative technology to provide maximum efficiency and reliability. The panels are designed to perform in low-light conditions, making them suitable for a variety of environments. Q-Cells panels come with a 25-year linear power warranty and a 12-year product warranty.

    Comparison Table:

    MFGEfficiency Temp Coefficient Warranty Linear Power Warranty
    Silfab Up to 21.4% -0.33% per degree Celsius10 years 25 years
    Panasonic Up to 21.6% -0.26% per degree Celsius 25 years 25 years
    Mission Solar Up to 20.9% -0.38% per degree Celsius 10 years 25 years
    Solaria Up to 20.4% -0.35% per degree Celsius 25 years 25 years
    Q-Cells Up to 20.9% -0.39% per degree Celsius 12 years 25 years

    Each of the five solar panel manufacturers offers high-quality solar panels that are designed to perform optimally in a variety of conditions.


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